Rules and Codes

Please help us keep it safe and fun for everyone

MRF is run by a small group of volunteers. Our highest priority is to ensure that we create a safe, inclusive, fun and encouraging environment for everyone involved. Whether someone is playing, coaching, spectating, refereeing or otherwise volunteering to run the competition we want to ensure that they are safe, are treated respectfully and that they enjoy being part of the great sport of futsal.

We need your help to ensure that we achieve this. Please carefully read these codes of behaviour, make sure you live up to them and that you encourage people around you to do the same.

We have rarely needed to do it but we reserve the right to ask people to leave the venue if they fail to meet these minimum standards; and may in more serious circumstances or after repeated breaches to suspend or permanently cancel a person’s membership.

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions about behaviour or safety please do not hesitate to contact us.

At MR Futsal we use the Australian Futsal Association (AFA) Rules of the game. Please see attached PDF doucument below.


Codes of Behaviour

Victorian Code of Conduct for Community Sport

Every person: spectator, player, club member, official, participant, administrator, coach, parent or member of the community involved with the sport, should work to ensure:

  • inclusion of every person regardless of their age, gender or sexual orientation
  • inclusion of every person regardless of their race, culture or religion
  • opportunities for people of all abilities to participate in the sport and develop to their full potential
  • respect is shown towards others, the club and the broader community
  • a safe and inclusive environment for all
  • elimination of violent and abusive behaviour
  • protection from sexual harassment or intimidation.

This code applies to community sport, training and club sanctioned activities.

Players' Code of Behaviour

  • Play by the rules and within the spirit of the game.
  • Never argue with the referee or official. If you disagree, have your captain, coach or manager approach the official during the break or after the competition. Nothing can be gained by abusing officials of the club. Remember the rule book states the referee is always right.
  • Control your temper. Verbal abuse or sledging of officials and other players deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent are not acceptable or permitted behaviours in any sport.
  • Work equally hard for yourself and your team. Your team's performance will benefit, and so will you.
  • Be a good sport. Applaud all good plays, whether they are made by your team or the opposition.
  • Treat all participants in your sport as you like to be treated. Do not bully or take unfair advantage of another competitor.
  • Co-operate with your coach, team mates and opponents. Without them, there would be no competition.
  • Participate for your enjoyment and benefit, not just to please parents and coaches.
  • Remove all jewellery prior to training and match play as it is a hazard to you and those around you.
  • Do not accept or use any banned or unauthorised drug(s), including the consumption of alcohol at any time.
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
  • MRF reserves the right to remove any player or spectator from its competitions or centres whose behaviour is not in keeping with its values and standards.

At MRF, we follow the Australian Futsal Association (AFA) Laws of the game. Click HERE to see the rules document.

Parents Code of Behaviour

  • Remember that children participate in sport for their enjoyment, not yours.
  • Encourage children to participate, do not force them.
  • Focus on your child's efforts and performance rather than whether they win or lose.
  • Encourage children to play according to the rules and to settle disagreements without resorting to hostility or violence.
  • Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a competition. Remember that children learn by example. Appreciate good performance and skillful plays by all participants.
  • Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities.
  • Respect officials' decisions and teach children to do likewise.
  • Show respect and appreciation to volunteer coaches, officials and administrators. Without them, your child could not participate.
  • 'Smart Supporting' - not loud and intense but calm, relaxed and at all times positive.
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
  • MRF reserves the right to remove any player or spectator from its competitions or centres whose behaviour is not in keeping with its values and standards.


Spectators Code of Behaviour

  • Applaud good play and performance from both teams, and be forward in congratulating all participants on their performance regardless of the final outcome.
  • 'Smart Supporting' - not loud and intense but calm, relaxed and at all times positive.
  • Respect the match officials' decisions on the day.
  • Condemn the use of violence in any form, be it by spectators, coaches, officials or players.
  • Show respect to both teams when watching matches, because without them there would be no game.
  • Encourage players to follow rules and accept the decisions of the match officials.
  • Do not intimidate, harass or use foul language towards players, match official, Club Officials or spectators.
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
  • MRF reserves the right to remove any player or spectator from its competitions or centres whose behaviour is not in keeping with its values and standards.


Coaches Code of Behaviour

  • Remember that players participate for the fun of it and that winning is not everything.
  • Be reasonable in your demands on younger players time, energy and enthusiasm.
  • Teach your players to abide by the Rules and Laws of the Game.
  • Modify your approach to suit the levels and needs of players.
  • Develop and enhance respect between players, opposition coaches and the decisions of the match officials.
  • Follow the advice of a physician when determining the extent of a player's injury and beyond that, when players are returning from injury or illness to training and match play.
  • Remind all players to play within the spirit of the game at all times.
  • Ensure players are good sports and ensure each team member shakes the hand of their opponents (and match officials) at the conclusion of every match.
  • Remember the actions of yourself and your team is reflective of the perception others take away with them. Set the example.
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
  • AFA & MRF reserves the right to remove any player or spectator from its competitions or centres whose behaviour is not in keeping with its values and standards.


Administrators Code of Behaviour

  • Help coaches and officials highlight appropriate behaviour and skill development and assist in raising the standards of coaching and officiating.
  • Ensure everyone involved emphasises fair play, and not winning at all costs.
  • Be tolerant and calm under pressure and approach problem solving in a supportive manner as members and players will expect you to set an example for others.
  • Make every effort to educate persons who breach the guidelines and rules from time to time.
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
  • AFA & MRF reserves the right to remove any player or spectator from its competitions or centres whose behaviour is not in keeping with its values and standards.


Matches are officiated by two Futsal referees and two scorers - each team is to supply a scorer who will sit at the scorers desk. This can be rotated each week.
Our referees are provided with regular training and support. They are all members of our local community with a passion for futsal.
Players, parents and spectators are reminded to support our match officials and treat them with respect at all times.


Player safety

Player safety is paramount and will be protected by:

  • Everyone involved abiding by these codes and rules
  • Players and team managers ensuring anyone taking the court has paid their fees and included AFA insurance coverage costs
  • Players respecting and following the laws of the game, particularly the rules against dangerous or reckless play
  • Players following and others enforcing the dress and equipment requirements including the use of shin-pads and pocket less shorts
  • Appropriate responses to any accidents or incidents including reporting by coordinators.